10 ACTUALLY Useful iPhone Tips 2021

10 ACTUALLY Useful iPhone Tips 2021 hey everybody Harris herewith I download the blog so in this video I want to present ten tips that I think will be both useful practical and hopefully novel as well I haven't seen these tips on the internet elsewhere at At least most of me haven't I'm hoping at least half of these are going to be new for you the viewer. I've made a couple other of these useful tip videos which people have really liked I'll leave those linked in the description let's go ahead and get started right now okay so number one is actually in the calendar application and then some it's kind of interesting so if you go in and add a new calendar event and you go into the time to schedule it if you double-tap the minutes you get into 1-minute granularity instead of five minutes this is interesting because this doesn't work and say reminders. But in the calendar you can double-tap so you can see it goes from one-minute increments to five minute...